Only in September 1976 I managed to obtain texts of six songs sung with the angklung ensemble.

When recording in and around Kanékés in June and July 1976, I did not manage to write down any song text, although I had recorded singing, for instance with the keromong in Gajéboh. Most of the texts presented in this Appendix 4 date from 2003. In 2003 I made a special effort to get song texts of a better quality, because transcribing from a recording, as I did for most 1992 recordings, is not always very reliable. Susualan notated from reciting the poems, not performed in singing, in 2003:Ģ003–12 Collection Ina from Pal Opat (16 susualan stanzas) Ģ003–13 Collection Kaduketug (14 susualan stanzas) Ģ003–14 Collection Hamdan (4 susualan stanzas) Ģ003–15 Collection Cibéo (10 susualan stanzas). Song texts recorded and notated in 2003 (vocalist + kacapi siter + viol) Texts of songs recorded in October 1992 ( angklung, kacapi, vocalist + kacapi + rendo) Texts of songs recorded and notated in 1976 ( angklung) I ordered the texts more or less according to the time of recording the songs or notating the texts: The texts were collected in a number of ways. Song texts of pantun stories were here excluded and treated in Section 6.5.

The song texts in this Appendix 4 consist mostly of four-line verses ( susualan or sisindiran) for entertainment and were discussed in Chapter 7. 1 Methodological Issues Concerning the Collection of Song Texts